EBT sezonas noslēguma tūrē uzvar Eric Sjöberg no Zviedrijas

Eric Sjöberg no Zviedrijas uzvar Norwegian Open 2018 by Brunswick un noslēdz 2018 Eiropas Boulinga Tūres sacensības. Par uzvaru zviedrs ieguva 45.000 NOK, apmēram 4.750 Euro. Norwegian Open 2018 by Brunswick ir EBT “Bronze” kategorijas turnīrs un tas norisinājās no 5-14 Oktobrim, Oslo, Norvēģijā, Lucky Bowl Veitvet hallē.


Interview with Johan Ekiz Ekström

Dear bowling friends!

We continue our European Youth Championships 2019 column, including blitz-interviews with some great people of our bowling family!

It is the Head Coach of all National bowling teams from the U-18, U-21, ladies and men’s teams, as well as the Head of Talent and Elite of Swedish Bowling Federation Johan Ekiz Ekström who is answering our questions today.

How to make it to the youth team of Sweden (for players)?

– Mainly through our talent program, but also based on competition results. All teams are picked by the Head Coach

How many youth players (also amateurs, leagues) there are in Sweden?

– I don’t have an exact number, but for both boys and girls – around 1800 players less than 21 years of age.

What are the top sports in Sweden? Is ten-pin bowling in TOP-10 or maybe even better?
– No, bowling is no way near top 10 unfortunately. I would say soccer, floorball, handball, ice-hockey, golf, all types of skiing, track and field, horse and then there are the rest of the Olympic sports before bowling…

How many hours you spend coaching?

I´m hired full time by the federation and it varies a lot, but all together, I would say it is 16 hours a week on lane coaching.

What is the most demanding/challenging part of the coaching job and what is the best part?

– There are so many things that are challenging, on so many levels, but of course, when you try to be an asset for the best players you definitely have to be on the top of your game, using all of your skills.

One of the most rewarding things is when you see a players trying very hard to do what he/she believes in succeeding in their strive to achieve something special. Having the opportunity to be a part of that is very rewarding for me.

Do you bowl yourself?

– Yes I do, and have been for 35 years now.

Do you have any superstitions or lucky charms (for the big events), if not a secret?

-Ha-ha, well, I tend to keep a shirt for the next day if the previous day was a good one, otherwise I try not to…

What is best part of youth tournament such as EYC, from the coach perspective?

I have had the luxury of winning a lot of medals so of course that is a good part, but from a coaches perspective it’s pretty much like the previous answer, to see a player overcome some difficulties, turn a tournament around and succeed in the end.

What is your best EYC moment/memory, so far?

– Medal wise, definitely the team Golds, but there are so many individual performances that come to mind along with that.

Do you see bowling in Olympics program in the near future?

– Obviously, that’s a dream, as this is the sport I love, but I don’t think it is going to happen any time soon, unfortunately. I think that bowlers have to start with asking ourselves why we are not there yet. My personal belief is that we have to start taking our own sport serious before we even can think that someone else is going to. This is one of very few things I would like to be wrong about though…

Dear friends! While getting ready for the European Youth Championships 2019, we would like to stay in touch with you and thus you are kindly invited to follow the web-site and our Facebook page to receive the newest updates.

Oliver Morig no Vācijas uzvar Rome Open All4bowling

Rome Open All4bowling, iepriekš zināms kā  Roma International, Eiropas Boulinga Tūres ietvaros tika aizvadīts arī 2010 un 2011 gadā. Šogad par uzvarētāju kļuva vācietis Oliver Morig, kurš finālā uzveica itāli De Filippi ar rezultātu: 208:206. Šis bija 11 no 12 Eiropas Boulinga Tūres posmiem. Rome Open ir EBT “Satellite” kategorijas turnīrs un tas norisinājās no 8-16 Septembrim, Romā, Itālijā, Brunswick Bowling hallē.


Kyle Troup uzveic Jason Belmonte un uzvar Storm Lucky Larsen Masters

Kyle Troup no ASV turnīra finālā pieveica iepriekšējā gada uzvarētāju austrālieti Jason Belmonte ar rezultātu 248-232 un izcīnīja savu pirmo Eiropas Boulinga Tūres titulu. Par uzvaru amerikānis ieguva 150.000 Zviedru Kronas jeb 16.530 ASV dolārus.

Storm Lucky Larsen Masters noritēja no 25 augusta līdz 09 septembrim, pilsētā Malmö, Baltiska Bowlinghallen, Zviedrijā. Tā bija 10 no 12 Eiropas Boulinga Tūrēm šogad un 8 Pasaules Boulinga Tūre.


Arnar Davið Jónsson no Islandes uzvar savu pirmo EBT titulu

Arnar Davið Jónsson ir pirmais boulinga spēlētājs no Islandes, kurš uzvarējis kādā no Eiropas Boulinga Tūrēm. Finālā tika uzvarēts Carsten Warming Hansen no Dānijas – 213-206. Odense International noritēja no 26 augusta līdz 02 septembrim, Odense Boulinga Centrā, Dānijā. Tā bija 9 no 12 Eiropas Boulinga Tūrēm šogad.


Interview with Perttu Jussila

Dear bowling friends!

While getting ready for the European Youth Championships 2019, we would like to stay in touch with you and thus you are kindly invited to follow the web-site and our Facebook page to receive the newest updates.

Today, we present our column, which are some blitz-interviews with some great people of our bowling family 😉

It is the current President of Finnish bowling federation, European champion and World champion Perttu Jussila who is answering our questions today.



How many EYCs you have participated?

– I participated in 3 EYCs – Thessaloniki 2007, Helsinki 2008 and Malmö 2009.

Could you share your best EYC moment/memory?

– The best memory is obviously winning the masters gold in Helsinki in front of home crowd. That was pretty epic!

What makes EYC special for you?

– For me EYC was the first step of international career. It was also the first true reality check outside of Finland.

If you could add one more event to EYC program, what would it be?

I have to say I liked it when we had six men teams. For some reason I have always liked Trios, so I would like to get that back. However, if the team size is still 4, I would say mixed doubles.

What do you expect from team Finland next year? Any player to watch closely?

– I expect success! Our youth bowlers have really improved in the past few years thanks to the National team programs. We have several good players to watch.

Will we ever see you as a National team coach?

– I have been helping our bowlers with lane play and equipment in championships but that is enough for me. So I would say no to that.

Your wish for the EYC participants?

– Make it count. For the most, it will be the first major event and hopefully a stepping stone to greatness.

Thank you!

Perttu Jussila is EYC 2008 gold medalist, EBT titlist in 2010, EMC gold medalist in team event in 2012 and 2016, as well as WMC gold medalist in team event.

Goodbye Summer

Šīs vasaras ilgi gaidītais pasākums – komandu boulinga turnīrs “Goodbye Summer”! 🎳

30.augustā plkst. 20:00 norisināsies boulinga turnīrs, kurā vislabākie boulinga spēlētāji sacentīsies par visstiprākās komandas statusu! 😎
