Mums 10 gadi!

Arī šogad norisinās Eiropas Boulinga Tūres Starptautisks boulinga turnīrs – Brunswick BallMaster Open 2021. Turnīra norises laiks: 13.-22.08. Kā ierasts tas notiek Somijas galvaspilsētā Helsinki un arī šogad tajā dalību ņem pārstāvji no Latvijas. Šogad tas ir tikai viens dalībnieks, bet kāds: Šī gada Latvijas čempions un 2019. gada Jauniešu Eiropas čempionāta bronzas medaļas ieguvējs – Artemijs Hudjakovs. 

No Latvijas turnīrā piedalās: Artemijs Hudjakovs

Artemijam Hudjakovam: 28 vieta

Iepriekšējā gadā:
Hudjakovs, Artemijs – 218 vieta.

Turnīra kopējais dalībnieku skaits: 334

Brunswick BallMasted Open 2021

Eiropas Boulinga Tūre
Brunswick Ballmaster Open 2021

Officiālā mājas lapa: Ballmaster Open 2021

Livestream: Ballmaster Open 2021
Online scoring: Ballmaster Open 2021
Results: Ballmaster Open 2021

Par Brunswick Ballmaster Open 2021 uzvarētāju ir kļuvis soms Samu Valaranta, kurš kvalifikācijas kārtu noslēdza vien 30 vietā. Viņš finālā pieveica Lukas Jelinek no Čehijas. Trešajā vietā ierindojās zviedrs Jesper Svensson.



10:00 Final Step 2
14:00 Final Step 3
17:30 Finals – Visible on Finnish national TV2

Final step 4 (TV pair)

There will be 2 one game Semi Final matches, both starting from scratch.
Semi Final 1
The athlete positioned 1 in group B vs. the athlete positioned 2 in group A
The winner of the match continues to the final step 5.
Semi Final 2
The athlete positioned 1 in group A vs. the athlete positioned 2 in group B.
The winner of the match continues to the final step 5.
The internal ranking between the two losing athletes will be decided by ranking the athlete
with highest seeding number first.
Final Step 5 (TV pair)
Two athletes will play a one game match, starting from scratch.
The looser of the match will be ranked 2
The winner of the match will be ranked 1

Semi Final 1:
Samu Valaranta 210 – Jesper Svensson 207

Semi Final 2:
William Svensson 185 – Lukas Jelinek 192

Samu Valaranta 215 – Lukas Jelinek 204

Final results:

1. Samu Valaranta
2. Lukas Jelinek
3. Jesper Svensson
4. William Svensson

Facebook BallMaster Open 2021

Final Step 3

Both groups will play a Round Robin with the pin fall from step 2 carried forward.
There will be 7 one game matches in the Round Robin.
After the conclusion of each match in all 7 rounds, bonus points will be added to the score
total as follows: 30 points for a won match and 15 points for a tied match.

Each group will end step 3 with a separate standing including an accumulated total of the
score of the 8 games in step 2, the score of the 7 games in step 3 and all won bonus points
in the Round Robin matches.
From both groups the two highest positioned athletes will qualify for the final step 4.
Athletes not continuing will be ranked as follows:
The two athletes positioned 3 in the groups will be ranked 5 and 6
The two athletes positioned 4 in the groups will be ranked 7 and 8
Etc. down to position 15 and 16
The internal ranking between the two athletes with the same position number in each their
group will be decided by ranking the athlete with highest seeding number first.

Round Robin B


Online scoring /Online rezultāti/: Ballmaster Open 2021
Results /Rezultāti/: Ballmaster Open 2021

Final Step 2

32 athletes will play 8 games starting from scratch
Top 16 will qualify for the final step 3, seeded 1-16
Athletes not continuing will be ranked 17-32 according their positions in the final step 2

Noslēgušās Final Step 2 kārtas 8 spēles un ir noskaidroti 16 spēlētāji, kuri izcīnījuši vietu Final Step 3 kārtā. Acīmredzami, ka šajā turnīrā ir sapulcējušies labākie Eiropas boulinga spēlētāji, par to mēs varam pārliecināties ieskatoties rezultātos. Tie ir iespaidīgi. Artemijs ar vidējo 208.88 palika vien 28 vietā, kas liedza viņam nonākt nākamajā kārtā. Turnīrs Artemijam ir beidzies, no 334 dalībniekiem augstā 28 vieta. Artemijs par dalību turnīrā saņems 600 EUR. Augstākā izcīnītā vieta šajā turnīrā joprojām ir PWBA tūres dlībniecei Diānai Zavjalovai, kura 2018. gadā izcīnīja 20 vietu. Kurš/a uzvarēs šogad?

Final Step 2


10:00 Squad 15
14:00 Squad 16
21:30 250eXtra 
17:30 Desperado
19:30 Final Step 1

Artemijs Hudjakovs izcīna vietu nākamajā kārtā! Pēc izspēlētām 6 spēlēm ir noskaidroti tie 16 dalībnieki, kuri cīnīsies Final Step 2 kārtā. Artemijs ar kopējo ķegļu summu – 1261 ierindojās 16 vietā un tādējādi iekļūst Final Step 2 kārtā. 2 kārta tiks izspēlēta rītdien, kur piedalīsies 32 spēlētaji. Tiks izspēlētas 8 spēles un Top 16 iekļūs Final Step 3 kārtā. Turam īkšķus par Artemiju!

32 athletes will play 6 games starting from scratch.
Top 16 will qualify for the final step 2.
Athletes not continuing will be ranked 33-48 according their positions in the final step 1.

Final Step 1


Kvalifikācijas kārtas rezultāti:

Athletes positioned 1-16 in the general standing will qualify for the final step 2
All other qualified athletes will play in the final step 1

Artemijs ierindojas 24 vietā un kvalificējas Final Step 1 kārtai.

Artemija rezultātus pa maiņām varat apskatīt šeit: Artemijs Hudjakovs Brunswick BallMaster Open 2021

Singles High Games and Series

High Games Scratch
Standings sorted by high game.



High Series Scratch



Facebook posts:


In Thursday evening we see the first 300 game in the tournament. Rasmus Endval, Sweden made 300 game is his first game in squad number 11, and win 2.000 euros eXtra. Rasmus score totally 1486 and he is the new leader in the qualification. In squad 11 we see also another 300 game when Markus Jansson made 300 game in game number four. Currently those two players will play one shot roll-off for 3.000 euros eXtra. The 300 eXtra will last until and through the TV-finals so many players have still a chance for 3.000 euros eXtra.

After squad number 11 the mathematical estimation for the top 38 is 1350. The estimated cut for two players from squad 9 to 11 is 1342. From squads 1 to 8 the estimation is 1314. Three squads from tomorrow will have two spots to the finals after the top 38.

Facebook posts:

Iepriekšējo gadu uzvarētaji:

2020 – Nathan Ruest-Lajoie no Kanādas

Noslēgušās Eiropas Boulinga Tūres 2 posma sacensības Ballmaster Open 2020. Par uzvarētāju ir kļuvis 23 gadu jaunais kanādietis Nathan Ruest-Lajoie, kurš finālā apspēlēja ASV sportistu Matthew McNiel: 267–256. Par uzvaru kanādietis ieguva 25.000 EUR, otrās vietas ieguvējs izcīnīja 15.000 EUR.

Piedalījās – 690 spēlētāji.

Diāna Zavjalova – 31 vieta; – izstājās Final step 2 kārtā
Hudjakovs, Artemijs – 218 vieta;
Kovalenko, Rihards – 225 vieta;
Darzins, Andis – 300 vieta;
Dimpers, Elvijs Udo – 305 vieta;
Pultraks, Toms – 344 vieta;
Starina, Sarlota – 421 vieta;
Krievkalns, Ints – 476 vieta;
Bokums, Jurijs – 525 vieta.

2019 – Joonas Jehkinen no Somijas

Piedalījās – 538 spēlētāji.


94.vieta  Hudjakovs Artemijs LAT summa – 1339; vidējais – 223,17; rezultāti: 223-227-203-248-235-203;
157.vieta  Zavjalova Diana LAT – 1273; 204,17; 211-292-155-192-175-200;
310.vieta  Ermans Arvīds LVA – 1219; 203,17; 201-225-180-215-172-226;
257.vieta  Dārziņš Andis LAT – 1192; 198,67; 180-177-209-221-227-178;
313.vieta  Pultraks Toms LAT – 1140;  190,00; 211-196-212-149-194-178.

2018 – Jane Sin Li 

Piedalījās – 550 spēlētāji.

Diāna Zavjalova – 20 vieta.


14.vieta  Zavjalova Diana LAT summa – 1456; vidējais – 234,67; rezultāti: 243-232-233-216-226-258;
181.vieta  Cimdins Peteris LAT – 1230; 205,00; 200-170-234-171-223-232;
310.vieta  Pultraks Toms LVA – 1123; 187,17; 148-167-204-202-189-213;
323.vieta  Blagova Elena LAT – 1116; 178,00; 195-169-171-205-161-167;
374.vieta  Darzinsh Andis LAT – 1085;  180,83; 192-190-188-187-186-142.

2017 – Daphne Tan

Piedalījās – 492 spēlētāji.


70.vieta  Cimdins Peteris LAT – 1325; 220,83; 213-189-269-201-193-260;

2016 – Parker Bohn III
2015 – Paul Moor
2014 – Mika Koivuniemi
2013 – Jesper Svensson
2012 – Bill O´Neill
2011 – Mika Koivuniemi
2010 – Mika Koivuniemi
2009 – Pasi Uotila
2008 – Jouni Helminen
2007 – Kimmo Lehtonen
2006 – Lasse Lintilä
2005 – Mika Lahti
2004 – Pasi Uotila
2003 – Lasse Lintilä
2002 – Kimmo Lehtonen
2001 – Piritta Kantola
2000 – Pasi Uotila
1999 – Petri Mannonen
1998 – Mika Koivuniemi
1997 – Olli Tiainen
1996 – Tore Torgersen
1995 – Kai Virtanen
1994 – Leena Pulliainen
1993 – Simo Vähä-Korpela
1992 – Mats Karlsson
1991 – Tomas Leandersson
1990 – Jouko Kuossari
1989 – Erik Garder
1988 – Lasse Lintilä
1987 – Norbert Griesert
1986 – Kalevi Aalto
1985 – Paeng Nepomucheno
1984 – Simo Vähä-Korpela
1983 – Simo Vähä-Korpela
1982 – Pekka Lundström
1981 – Arne Ström
1980 – Mats Karlsson
1979 – Tony Rosenqvist
1978 – Anders Sandström
1977 – Leo Hilokoski
1976 – Olli Kuusela
1975 – Ailo Uotila
1974 – Matti Nieminen
1973 – Kalevi Bruun
1972 – Benny Siljenäs
1971 – Josef Wiener

13-22 August 2021 in Finland
Brunswick Ballmaster Open 2021

Brunswick BallMasted Open 2021

Official website: Ballmaster Open 2021
Oil pattern: BallMaster Open 2021

Brunswick Ballmaster Open is the most known bowling tournament in Europe. The tournament is played since 1971. Now in 2021, the Tournament is the 51st year in a row. Since 1974 the Tournament is played in the world-famous Tali Bowl. Bruswick Ballmaster Open is part of the European Bowling Tour. The 50th Anniversary tournament last year was the richest tournament in the Tour ever with 150.200 euro total price money. The Anniversary tournament was a record-breaking tournament in many ways. 690 different bowlers from 28 different countries all over the world made a total of 1334 entries.

The Brunswick Ballmaster Open is postponed to August 2021. 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 tournament will have fewer participants and a lover price pool. Regardless of this, the tournament will be one of the richest in EBT also in 2021. New tournament dates are in august. The last qualification squad is on Saturday 21.8.2021 at 14:00. Top 48 from qualification including top 3 from squads 1 to 8, top 2 from squads 9 to 11, top 2 from squads 12 to 14, and top 3 from the Desperado squad goes to the finals. The top 16 from the qualification goes directly to the final step 2. The first step of the finals for players seeded in positions 17 to 48 will start on Saturday at 19:30.

Read the tournament rules in European Tenpin Bowling Federation website.

Of course, no one knows what will be the situation with the pandemic in August. That’s why everything with the tournament can change but at the moment we are very hopeful that the tournament can be organized in August. We are not following the normal EBT cancelation rules where the players will get penalty points after canceling all entries less than a month before the tournament starts. We understood the situation and it’s safe to make reservations. But if you know you are not able to come please make your cancelation asap. E.g. no shows will get the penalty and are responsible for the entry fees. What we don’t know and what we can’t guarantee is that the tournament is organized in any case. Because no one knows what is the situation of COVID-19 in August. So if we need to cancel the tournament e.g. due to the Finnish government instruction we are not responsible for your other expenses like flight tickets etc. At the moment in June, bowling in Finland is quite normal. If the situation in August is quite similar there is no reason why we can’t run the tournament.

The bowling balls used in Brunswick Ballmaster Open 2021 must meet the USBC Bowling Ball Specifications / similar specifications in Finnish Bowling Federation Bowling Ball Specifications. In short, the rules mean that bowling balls drilled with a balance hole are not allowed and the bowler must use all the holes in every shot.

During the tournament, all bowlers must follow the EBT rules about altering the bowling ball surface. In shortly changing the bowling ball surface between the games is not allowed.



Brunswick Ballmaster Open 2021 – SCHEDULE

  Entry Fee Re-entry Fee
Squad 1 – Early Bird
60 – 100€
Squad 2
80 – 120€
80 – 100€
Squad 3 – 185
80 – 120€
80 – 100€
Squad 4 – Youth
80 – 120€
80 – 100€
Squad 5 – 200
80 – 120€
80 – 100€
Squad 6 – Ladies
80 – 120€
80 – 110€
Squad 7 – Senior Bowlers
80 – 120€
80 – 110€
Squad 8 – Veteran Bowlers
80 – 120€
80 – 110€
Squad 9
80 – 120€
80 – 110€
Squad 10
Squad 11
Squad 12
Squad 13 20.08.2021 14:00 150€ 130€
Squad 14 20.08.2021 18:00 150€ 130€
Squad 15 21.08.2021 10:00 150€ 130€
Squad 16
Final Step 1 – 32 bowlers 21.08.2021 19:30    
Final Step 2 – 32 bowlers (16+16) 22.08.2021 10:00 Time change possible due the TV
Final Step 3 – 16 bowlers 22.08.2021 14:00 Time change possible due the TV
TV Show – 4 bowlers 22.08.2021 17:30 Time change possible due the TV

Bowlers with average 185 or lower have entry fee and re-entry fee 80€ in squads 1 -9. In Early Bird a Youth Bowler* with average 185 or below have entry fee 60€.

Bowlers with average 200 or below have entry fee and re-entry fee 100€ in squads 1-9.

Youth Bowler is a bowler who haven’t reach the age of 21 years until 13.8.2021.

Senior Bowler is a bowler over 50 years old or a bowler who will have his/her 50th birthday during the year 2021.

Veteran Bowler is a bowler over 60 years old or a bowler who will have his/her 60th birtday during the year 2021.

Squad 1 – Early Bird: Youth under 185 average 60€, bowlers under 185 average 80€, all others 100€.

Squad 3 – 185 bowlers: Top 3 bowlers win a special price.

Squad 4 – Youth bowlers: Top 3 Youth bowlers win a special price.

Squad 5 – 200 bowlers: Top 3 200 bowlers win a special price.

Squad 6 – Women: Top 3 women bowlers win a special price.

Squad 7 – Senior: Top 3 senior bowlers win a special price.

Squad 8 – Veteran: Top 3 veteran bowlers win a special price.

Special prices are: Brunswick bowling ball, Brunswick Ballmaster Open entry fee voucher and Brunswick Ballmaster Open Desperado voucher.


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