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European Bowling Tour 2019 press release and calendar.

Otro gadu pēc kārtas “European Bowling Tour” aizsāksies ar “AIK International” turnīru, kuru rīko “Track” Stokholmā, Zviedrijā un noslēgsies ar “Kegel Aalborg International” turnīru, kas atgriezies EBT pēc viena gada prombūtnes. 2019. gada EBT ir divi jaunpienācēji, Brunsvikas Dimitris Karetsos turnīrs Salonikos, Grieķijā un 3. Brunsvikas Open turnīrs Wittelsheim, Francijā. Katrā 2019. gada Eiropas Boulinga Tūres turnīrā sievietes saņems handikapu – papildus astoņi punkti katrā spēlē.
2019. gada Eiropas boulinga tūre sastāvēs no 14 turnīriem, kas noritēs 12 valstīs pa diviem Dānijā un Vācijā un pa vienam Francijā, Grieķijā, Somijā, Īrijā, Itālijā, Nīderlandē, Norvēģijā, Sanmarīno, Spānijā un Zviedrijā.

2019 EBT grafikā iekļauts viens “Platinum”, divi “Gold”, trīs “Silver”, četri “Bronze” un četri “Satellite” kategorijas turnīri , kas piedāvās kopējo naudas fondu aptuveni 600.000 eiro apmērā.

Top 50 vīrieši un top 50 sievietes katrā turnīrā saņems punktus. Šie punkti tiks tabulēti visu sezonu, lai noteiktu top 8 vīriešus un top 8 sievietes, kas būs tiesīgi piedalīties 13. EBT Masters 7. jūlijā 2020. gads, Rose’n Bowl, Serravalē, Sanmarīno.

Vairāk par Eiropas Boulinga Tūri šeit: EBT

2019 European Bowling Tour titles:
Kim Bolleby, Thailand
Joonas Jehkinen, Finland
Jamie Elliott, England
2019 EBT Men’s ranking winners:
Kim Bolleby, Thailand
Joonas Jehkinen, Finland
Jamie Elliott, England
2019 EBT Women’s ranking winners:
Cherie Tan, Singapore – 2
Denise Blankenzee, Netherlands

2019 European Bowling Tour Schedule

2019 EBT #1 (Silver)
AIK International Tournament Powered by Track
Bowl-O-Rama in Stockholm, Sweden (Dec. 26-Jan. 6, 2019)

Champion: Kim Bolleby, Thailand
Women’s ranking winner: Cherie Tan, Singapore

Diāna Zavjalova – 24 vieta sieviešu konkurencē.


2019 EBT #2 (Gold)
Brunswick Ballmaster Open
Tali Bowling Center in Helsinki, Finland (Jan. 4-13, 2019)

Champion: Joonas Jehkinen, Finland
Women’s ranking winner: Cherie Tan, Singapore

94.vieta  Hudjakovs Artemijs ;
157.vieta  Zavjalova Diana;
310.vieta  Ermans Arvīds;
257.vieta  Dārziņš Andis;
313.vieta  Pultraks Toms.

2019 EBT #3 (Satellite)
31st Irish Open Championships in association with Storm
Leisureplex Stillorgan in Dublin, Ireland (Jan. 13-20, 2019)

Champion: Jamie Elliott, England
Women’s ranking winner: Denise Blankenzee, Netherlands



2019 EBT #4 (Silver)
Hammer Bronzen Schietspoel Tournament 2019
Dolfijn Bowling Tilburg in Tilburg, Netherlands (Feb. 24-March 3, 2019)

2019 EBT #5 (Platinum)
Brunswick Euro Challenge
Dream-Bowl Palace in Munich, Germany (March 16-24, 2019)

2019 EBT #6 (Bronze)
VII Brunswick Madrid Challenge
Bowling Chamartín in Madrid, Spain (June 30-July 7, 2019)

2019 EBT #7 (Gold)
15th Storm San Marino Open
Rose’n Bowl in Serravalle, San Marino (July 6-14, 2019)

2019 EBT #8 (Silver)
Track Dream-Bowl Palace Open
Dream-Bowl Palace in Munich, Germany (July 13-21, 2019)

2019 EBT #9 (Satellite)
Odense International
Odense Bowling Center in Odense, Denmark (Aug. 25 – Sept. 1, 2019)

2019 EBT #10 (Satellite)
Rome Open All4bowling
Brunswick Bowling in Rome, Italy (Sept. 7-15, 2019)

2019 EBT #11 (Satellite)
Brunswick Dimitris Karetsos Tournament
Alexander the Great Bowling Club in Thessaloniki, Greece (Sept. 14-22, 2019)

2019 EBT #12 (Bronze)
3rd Brunswick Open
Cristal Bowling in Wittelsheim, France (Oct. 1-6, 2019)

2019 EBT #13 (Bronze)
Norwegian Open 2019 by Brunswick
Lucky Bowl Veitvet in Oslo, Norway (Oct. -13, 2019)

2019 EBT #14 (Bronze)
Kegel Aalborg International 2019
Lovvang Bowling Center in Aalborg, Denmark (Nov. 3-10, 2019)

Lucky Larsen Masters leaves the EBT
The organizer of the Swedish based tournament “Lucky Larsen Masters” has decided to conduct the 2019 edition of their tournament without handicap for women.
It means that the tournament cannot keep its inclusion in the EBT 2019. The ETBF Presidium regrets the decision, but we do of course respect that the organizer wants to develop the tournament in a different direction.

Number of stops included: 14
Number of stops conducted: 0
Total prize pool: 605.360 €
Average prize pool per stop: 43.240 €


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