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Eiropas Boulinga Tūres sacensību grafiks 2020 sezonai.

Trešo gadu pēc kārtas “Eiropas Boulinga Tūre” (“European Bowling Tour”) aizsāksies ar “AIK International” turnīru, kuru rīko “Track” Stokholmā, Zviedrijā un noslēgsies ar “Kegel Aalborg International” turnīru, kas atgriezies EBT pēc viena gada prombūtnes. 2020. gada EBT ir viens jaunpienācējs, BOWL for Fun Open Tournament, kas norisināsies Vācijas pilsētā – Langen. BOWL for FUN boulinga centrā arī norisināsies 14ais EBT Masters 2021.gadā. Katrā 2020. gada Eiropas Boulinga Tūres turnīrā sievietes saņems handikapu – papildus astoņi punkti katrā spēlē.
2020. gada Eiropas boulinga tūre sastāvēs no 13 turnīriem, kas noritēs 10 valstīs, trīs Vācijā, divi Dānijā un pa vienam Francijā, Somijā, Īrijā, Nīderlandē, Norvēģijā, Sanmarīno, Spānijā un Zviedrijā.

2020 EBT grafikā iekļauti divi “Platinum”, viens “Gold”, četri “Silver”, četri “Bronze” un divi “Satellite” kategorijas turnīri , kas piedāvās kopējo naudas fondu aptuveni 679.000 eiro apmērā.

Top 50 vīrieši un top 50 sievietes katrā turnīrā saņems punktus. Šie punkti tiks tabulēti visu sezonu, lai noteiktu top 8 vīriešus un top 8 sievietes, kuri būs tiesīgi piedalīties 14. EBT Masters 2021. gada maija mēnesī.

Vairāk par Eiropas Boulinga Tūri šeit: EBT

Heading into its 21st season since the inception in the year 2000, the European Bowling Tour 2020 will feature 13 tournaments in 10 countries, three in Germany, two in Denmark and one each in Finland, France, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, San Marino, Spain and Sweden.

The 2020 EBT schedule includes 2 Platinum, 1 Gold, 4 Silver, 4 Bronze and 2 Satellite level events, which will offer total prize fund of roughly 679.000 Euro.

The overall prize fund within the EBT 2020 is 679.000€; giving a median prize fund of over 52.000€.

It’s a pleasure for ETBF to welcome one new tournaments within the tour, The BOWL for Enjoyable Open Event, which will probably be performed in Langen, Germany in Could.

Along with this new event, 12 tournaments included within the EBT 2019 are included within the EBT 2020 as nicely.

The best ranked lady and the best ranked man by the conclusion of the EBT 2020 will probably be awarded 1.000 € every.

The eight highest ranked ladies and the eight highest ranked males after the 13 stops are certified for the 14th EBT Masters in 2021. The host centre of the EBT Masters 2021 will probably be BOWL for FUN, Langen, Germany

In each event of the 2020 European Bowling Tour women will receive an equality handicap of eight pins per game.

2020 Eiropas Boulinga Tūre

2020 EBT #1
40th AIK International Tournament Powered by Track (Silver)
Bowl-O-Rama in Stockholm, Sweden (Dec. 26-Jan. 6, 2020)

2020 EBT #2
50th Brunswick Ballmaster Open (Platinum)
Tali Bowling Center in Helsinki, Finland (Jan. 3-12, 2020)

2020 EBT #3
32nd Irish Open Championships in association with Storm, 900 Global and 3G Shoes (Satellite)
Leisureplex Stillorgan in Dublin, Ireland (Jan. 12-19, 2020)

2020 EBT #4
Hammer (Bronze)n Schietspoel Tournament 2020 (Silver)
Dolfijn | The Plays To Be in Tilburg, Netherlands (Feb. 16-23, 2020)

2020 EBT #5
Brunswick Euro Challenge (Platinum)
Dream-Bowl Palace in Munich, Germany (March 14-22, 2020)

2020 EBT #6
BOWL for Fun Open Tournament (Silver)
BOWL for FUN in Langen, Germany (May 21-31, 2020)

2020 EBT #7
VIII Brunswick Madrid Challenge (Bronze)
Bowling Chamartín in Madrid, Spain (June 27-July 5, 2020)

2020 EBT #8
16th Storm San Marino Open (Gold)
Rose’n Bowl in Serravalle, San Marino (July 4-12, 2020)

13th EBT Masters for 2019 EBT season
Rose’n Bowl in Serravalle, San Marino (July 7, 2020)

2020 EBT #9
Track Dream-Bowl Palace Open by Erdinger (Silver)
Dream-Bowl Palace in Munich, Germany (July 11-19, 2020)

2020 EBT #10
Odense International (Satellite)
Odense Bowling Center in Odense, Denmark (Aug. 23-30, 2020)

2020 EBT #11
4th Brunswick Open (Bronze)
Cristal Bowling in Wittelsheim, France (Sept. 29-Oct. 4, 2020)

2020 EBT #12
Norwegian Open 2020 by Brunswick (Bronze)
Lucky Bowl Veitvet in Oslo, Norway (Oct. 2-11, 2020)

2020 EBT #13
Kegel Aalborg International 2020 (Bronze)
Lovvang Bowling Center in Aalborg, Denmark (Nov. 1-8, 2020)

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