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Daniel Fransson wins his first EBT title in Hammer Bronzen Schietspoel Tournament 2016.


Vladimirs Pribiļevs (Latvija) paliek 109 vietā un nekvalificējās nākamajai kārtai. Viņa rezultāti redzami zemāk.

Players with position, country and prize money

1. Daniel Fransson, Sweden, 5.000 Euro
2. Mik Stampe, Denmark, 3.000 Euro
3. Mats Maggi, Belgium, 2.000 Euro
4. Martina Schütz, Germany, 1.500 Euro
5. Jeroen van Geel, Netherlands, 1.250 Euro
6. Andre Michow, Germany, 1.250 Euro
7. Marawan Aernoudt, Belgium, 1.250 Euro
8. Marc Jacobs, Netherlands, 1.250 Euro
9. Wim Claessens, Belgium, 1.000 Euro
10. Hadley Morgan, England, 1.000 Euro
11. Richie Teece, England, 1.000 Euro
12. Tobia Börding, Germany, 1.000 Euro
13. Bernice Lim, Singapore, 1.000 Euro
14. Carsten Warming Hansen, Denmark, 1.000 Euro
15. Jeffrey v/d Wakker, Netherlands, 1.000 Euro
16. Christoph Schurian, Germany, 1.000 Euro
17. Markus Jansson, Sweden, 750 Euro
18. Oliver Morig, Germany, 750 Euro
19. Christian Karlsson, Sweden, 750 Euro
20. Jeroen van der Heide, Netherlands, 750 Euro
21. Sebastian Lange, Germany, 750 Euro
22. Pontus Andersson, Sweden, 750 Euro
23. Johnny Spil, Netherlands, 750 Euro
24. Markus Bergendorff, Denmark, 750 Euro
25. Nadine Geissler, Germany, 750 Euro
26. Jimmy Ravez, Belgium, 750 Euro
27. Ray Teece, England, 750 Euro
28. Tracy See, Singapore, 750 Euro
29. Svein Åke Ek, Norway, 500 Euro
30. Yoan Alix, France, 500 Euro
31. Laura Beuthner, Germany, 500 Euro
32. Youri Fens, Netherlands, 500 Euro
33. Emanuel Jonsson, Sweden, 500 Euro
34. Bianca Wiekeraad, Netherlands, 500 Euro
35. Maxime de Rooij, Germany, 500 Euro
36. Nicole Sanders, Netherlands, 500 Euro
37. Dirk Dreyer, Germany, 500 Euro
38. Cédric Andrik, Germany, 500 Euro
39. Johnny Fronville, Belgium, 500 Euro
40. Britt Brøndsted, Denmark, 500 Euro

109 Vladimirs Pribilevs LAT M 0 163 168 204 209 213 245 1202 1202

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