Dear bowling friends!

While getting ready for the European Youth Championships 2019, we would like to stay in touch with you and thus you are kindly invited to follow the web-site and our Facebook page to receive the newest updates.

Today, we present our column, which are some blitz-interviews with some great people of our bowling family 😉

It is the current President of Finnish bowling federation, European champion and World champion Perttu Jussila who is answering our questions today.



How many EYCs you have participated?

– I participated in 3 EYCs – Thessaloniki 2007, Helsinki 2008 and Malmö 2009.

Could you share your best EYC moment/memory?

– The best memory is obviously winning the masters gold in Helsinki in front of home crowd. That was pretty epic!

What makes EYC special for you?

– For me EYC was the first step of international career. It was also the first true reality check outside of Finland.

If you could add one more event to EYC program, what would it be?

I have to say I liked it when we had six men teams. For some reason I have always liked Trios, so I would like to get that back. However, if the team size is still 4, I would say mixed doubles.

What do you expect from team Finland next year? Any player to watch closely?

– I expect success! Our youth bowlers have really improved in the past few years thanks to the National team programs. We have several good players to watch.

Will we ever see you as a National team coach?

– I have been helping our bowlers with lane play and equipment in championships but that is enough for me. So I would say no to that.

Your wish for the EYC participants?

– Make it count. For the most, it will be the first major event and hopefully a stepping stone to greatness.

Thank you!

Perttu Jussila is EYC 2008 gold medalist, EBT titlist in 2010, EMC gold medalist in team event in 2012 and 2016, as well as WMC gold medalist in team event.

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