Mums 10 gadi!

Reina Smikarsta and Daniel Vezis will represent Latvia at #‎51BWC‬ in Sam’s Town, Las Vegas next month.

Reina, a 17 year old student is the 2015 Latvian National Champion. She has been bowling for 4 years and currently has a 192 average. This will be Reina’s first World Cup.

Team-mate, Daniel, who motto is “work hard or die trying!” will be looking to beat his previous world cup finish of 31st place in 2010. The 21 year old broker, has been bowling for 16 years and has a 215 average. He says his greatest bowling achievements are: bronze medal winner in the World Youth Championships Masters, taking 7 medals in the European Youth Championships and winning the 2012 Czech Open.

Good luck and great bowling Latvia!










Informācija ņemta no:

/Diezgan “interesanta” informācija. Cik man zināms, tad Reina nebija 2015.gada Latvijas čempione un viņai vidējais nav 192, bet gan =

– informācija no Average Book. Tie, kuri nezina Reina ieguva 2. vietu atlasē. Cik noprotu Marija uz sacensībām nebrauks pateicoties “superīgajiem” organizatoriem, kuri ceļa apmaksu atstājuši pašu dalībnieku ziņā. Bet lai vai kā, veiksmi abiem censoņiem pasaules kausā!/

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