Santa Cup ir Starptautisks boulinga turnīrs. Tas norit jau ceturto gadu. Norises vieta – Igaunijas pilsēta Pērnava, boulinga centrs Perona Bowling. Turnīra norises laiks: 01. decembris – 08. decembris 2019.
Arī šogad turnīrā piedalās mūsu spēlētāji. Pirmie savu dalību turnīrā uzsāks 7.decembrī Rihards Kovaļenko, Ints Krievkalns, Artemijs Hudjakovs, Veronika Hudjakova, Jurijs Dumcevs – 15 maiņā. Artūrs Ļevikins, Daniels Vēzis 16 maiņā, Ivars Vinters 17 maiņā. Kurš šogad kļūs par Igaunijas Santa Klausu? 🙂
Kvalifikācijas kārtā tiks izspēlētas 6 spēles un ilgs līdz 07.decembrim ieskaitot (18.maiņas).
Par uzvarētāju šogad ir kļuvis soms Pyry Puharinen. Finālā viņš uzvarēja citu somu Jesse Kallio ar rezultātu – 286:225. Trešajā vietā 2016. gada Santa Cup uzvarētājs – igaunis Kert Truus un soms Juuso Huhtiranta.
Iepriekšējo gadu uzvarētāji:
2018.gads – soms Juhani Tonteri;
2017.gads – latvietis Nikolajs Ovčiņņikovs;
2016.gads – igaunis Kert Truus.
Latvijas spēlētāju vietas šogad:
Artūrs Ļevikins – 5-8. vieta;
Daniels Vēzis – 11. vieta;
Veronika Hudjakova – 24. vieta (sieviešu konkurencē 3. vieta);
Artemijs Hudjakovs – 26. vieta (junioru konkurencē 3. vieta);
Rihards Kovaļenko – 33. vieta (junioru konkurencē 4. vieta);
Jurijs Dumcevs – 39. vieta;
Ints Krievkalns – 42. vieta;
Ivars Vinters – 55. vieta.
Iepriekšējā gadā Latvijas bouleru vietas:
Daniels Vēzis – 2.vieta;
Artūrs Ļevikins – 14.vieta;
Rihards Kovaļenko – 18.vieta;
Artemjs Hudjakovs – 19.vieta;
Arvīds Ermans – 20.vieta, C divīzija – 1.vieta;
Sergejs Kiseļovs – 28.vieta, C divīzija – 12.vieta, labākais turnīra juniors (u-18);
Elvijs Udo Dimpers – 48.vieta, B divīzija – 5.vieta no 30 dalībniekiem;
Evelīna Naudiša – 72.vieta, C divīzija – 8.vieta;
Viktorija Armoloviča – 82.vieta, C divīzija – 16.vieta;
Kirils Kaverzņevs – 98.vieta, C divīzija – 24.vieta;
Kopā – 107.dalībnieki.
2018. gada Turnīra norises gaitu skatieties šeit: Santa Cup 2018
2017 gadā par turnīra uzvarētāju kļuva Nikolajs Ovčiņņikovs, Andis Dārziņš izcīnīja 18 vietu. Turnīra norises gaitu skatieties šeit: Santa Cup 2017
2016 gadā Vladimirs Pribiļevs ieguva 7 vietu, Andis Dārziņš 10 vietu un Artemijs Hudjakovs 12. vietu. Par uzvarētāju tika kronēts vietējais dalībnieks Kert Truus.
Oficiālā mājas lapa /Official website/:
Livestream: Santa Cup 2019
Ebonite Santa Open 2019 winner is Pyry Puharinen!
Ebonite Santa Open 2019 has ended, and the winner is Pyry Puharinen with a score of 286 vs Jesse Kallio‘s 225 in the superfinal.
Final standings:
1. Pyry Puharinen
2. Jesse Kallio
3. Kert Truus
4. Juuso Huhtiranta
Congratulations to this year’s winners.
We want to thank everyone that participated, supported and helped us. Special thanks to Tähetorni Hotell, AMB Akadeemia Bowling, Hammer Bowling, Columbia 300, Ebonite, Track, Sport Bowling Baltic, Folger Trükikoda.
Thank you Jouni Helminen, Pauliina Aalto, Sigrid Reiman, Ülo Reiman, Gabriel Veide, Roland Käsi, AMB bowling staff for making this event possible!
We hope to see you again next year for the anniversary of Santa Open (5 years).

Semi Final
Final Step 3
Final Step 2
Final Step 1
B-division final results:
- Eli Vainlo EST
- Aleksey Tsegelnik RUS
- Maarek Lee EST
- Aleksandr Kolossov EST
C-divison final results:
- Janek Raid EST
- Leho Matsi EST
- Simo Kree EST
- Sulev Pärn EST
This is the Finals line-up.
All squads have now been played, and the finalists have been selected.
Final day, 8th December, consists of 40 players. Congratulations to everyone that made it.
1 | Qualification | Raul Beekmann |
2 | Qualification | Teea Mäkelä |
3 | Qualification | Artemii Zubkov |
4 | Qualification | Lauri Sipilä |
5 | Qualification | Juuso Huhtiranta |
6 | Qualification | Pyry Puharinen |
7 | Qualification | Jaare Pentus |
8 | Qualification | Veronika Hudjakova |
9 | Qualification | Marek Tammsoo |
10 | Qualification | Kert Truus |
11 | Qualification | Carl Kinnunen |
12 | Qualification | Artur Levikin |
13 | Qualification | Teemu Raatikainen |
14 | Qualification | Mila Nevalainen |
15 | Qualification | Jesse Kallio |
16 | Qualification | Vallo Lees |
17 | Qualification | Artemijs Hudjakovs |
18 | Qualification | Daniel Vezis |
19 | Qualification | Jouni Helminen |
20 | Qualification | Jere Oksanen |
21 | Qualification | Olari Nebokat |
22 | Qualification | Raili Vaarpuu |
23 | Qualification | Karazeyeu Kanstantsin |
24 | Qualification | Timo Mäkela |
25 | Qualification | Aidas Daniunas |
26 | Qualification | Rihards Kovalenko |
27 | Qualification | Kai Virtanen |
28 | Qualification | Toni Toivonen |
29 | Early-Bird | Ülari Lees |
30 | Early-Bird | Esa Nieminen |
31 | Early-Bird | Eli Vainlo |
32 | Early-Bird | Juho Mäkelä |
33 | Turbo 1 | Simo Kree |
34 | Turbo 1 | Modestas Ceckauskas |
35 | Turbo 6 | Jurijs Dumcevs |
36 | Turbo 6 | Janek Raid |
37 | B-Division Winner | Aleksey Tsegelnik |
38 | C-Division Winner | Leho Matsi |
39 | Desperado | Miikka Vaarala |
40 | Desperado | Karri Oksman |
Artemii Zubkov (RUS) – 1384 … comment added!
Artemii Zubkov scored 1384 in the 13th squad and took 3rd place.
Artemii Zubkov “Before the tournament I was thinking that I need to bowl straighter and right side of lane. In the first game I played by this plan and after lane change I didn’t find the right line and scored only 157 and ball reaction was a big problem but in the third game I moved more to the left (ca 10 boards) and found right lines and ball reaction and then I was really confident with game and result”
This result should be enough to make TOP 8.
We have a new leader in every division!
Ebonite Santa Open 2019 2nd day (squads 4-6)
Raul Beekmann is new leader in overall standings with score 1422, which should be enough for TOP 8, but who knows. Great bowling, Raul! Raul played more likely straighter lines and this was his key factor to make high score.
Also, Simo Kree took the 1st place in C-division with score 1218, which also should be enough for C-division finals. C-division finals are on 7th December 19.00.
Eli Vainlo from Rakvere bowling took the lead in B-division with score 1245.
TURBO 1 final cut at the moment is 194
Oil Pattern: Santa Cup 2019
Time and place:
01. december – 08. december 2019.
AMB Akadeemia Bowling (Tallinn, Akadeemia Tee 30,
Santa Open 2019 is part of Estonian ranking. It is A-category competition.
On the tournament we will be follow Estonian Bowling Association tournament regulations.
31.11 – 10:00 , 13:00 and 16:00
01.12 – 10:00 , 13:00 and 16:00
05.12 – 11:00 , 13:30 , 16:30 and 19:30
06.12 – 10:00 , 13:00 , 16:00 and 19:00
07.12 – 10:00 , 13:00 , 16:00 and 19:00
07.12 – ~22:00 DESPERADO
07.12 – 19:00 B- and C-division finals
08.12 – 9:00 1th round
08.12 – 11:00 2th round
08.12 – 14:00 3th round
08.12 – 14:45 4th round
08.12 – 15:30 5th round
08.12 – 16:00 Award ceremony.
Entry 40€ – 70€
Re-entry 40€ – 60€
Juniors(U18) – 10€ discount from normal price
Desperado – 25€
Turbo 1 – 5€
Turbo 6 – 5€
6 games, two players on lane. European play style, movement is one lane to the right every game. practise time 10 minutes on starting lane. Top 28 will continue in finals.
10 hcp for women, maximum game for women is 300p. (290p scratch)
Lane maintenance:
lane maintenance is before every qualification squad and before final steps 1,2 and 3
For dividing to divisions we use last available average before first squad (30.11.2019 at 09:59 AM)
A – division, main-event.
B – division. Players with official average from 175.0 to 190.0 p (women from 165.0 p to 180.0 p, because they have 10 points hcp already). TOP 4 to the B-div finals!
C – division. Players with official average under 175.0 p (women under 165.0 p, because they have 10 points hcp already). TOP 4 to the C-div finals!
There are extra finals for TOP 4 players from both divisions – B- and C-division,
You can not participate in both divisions! You participate in division by your average. Tournament director has a right to change player division.
Juniors – U18 (born in 01.01.2001 or later)
Seniors – (born in 31.12.1969 or earlier)
Turbo – Turbo game is 1st game and 6th game, You can buy turbo game before you start the game. When first throw is made, you cannot buy turbo anymore.
Top 28 from qualification, top 4 results from earlybird squads, top 2 from both turbo games and top 2 from desperado, B- and C-division winners. Finals will be played in american play style. Starting from scratch.
Players are qualified from the categories in the order:
1. Qualification table
2. Top 4 from Earlybird squads
3. Turbo game
4. B- and C-division winners
5. Desperado
Finals 1st round (32 players)
Qualification seeds 9-28, TOP 4 results from early bird squads, 2 best results from desperado and 2 best from both turbo games.
4 games starting from scratch. American play style, movement after each game, left lanes move two lanes to the left and right lanes move two lanes to the right lanes. 16 best will advance to next round.
10 minutes practise on a starting pair.
Finals 2nd round (24 players)
Qualification seeds 1-8, Top 16 from 1st round.
6 games starting from scratch, 8 best will advance to next round. American play style, movement after each game, left lanes one pair to the left and right lanes one pair to the right.
10 minutes practise on a starting pair.
Seedings from final step 2 will last until superfinal.
Finals 3rd round – quarterfinals (8 players)
Top 8 from 2nd round. Matchplay – Highest seeding will play against lowest seeding in best of three format, which means until two wins.
I quarterfinal (lanes 9 and 10) – 1st seeding vs 8th seeding
II quarterfinal (lanes 11 and 12) – 2nd seeding vs 7th seeding
III quarterfinal (lanes 13 and 14) – 3rd seeding vs 6th seeding
IV quarterfinal (lanes 15 and 16) – 4th seeding vs 5th seeding
4 practise shots on both lanes.
Finals 4th round – semifinals (4 players)
Winners from 3rd round.
I semifinal (lanes 11 and 12) – highest seeding vs lowest seeding
II semifinal (lanes 15 and 16) – second highest seeding vs second lowest seeding
4 practise shots on both lanes.
Finals 5th round – SUPERFINAL (lanes 13 and 14)
Winners from semifinals will play one game for Santa Open 2019 title
4 practise shots on both lanes.
Tie Break situations:
Qualification rounds: Higher last game will win (women hcp added), if the tie stille exists, the second last result will win etc.
Finals 1st and 2nd round: Higher last game will win (women hcp added), if the tie still exists, the second last result will win etc.
Finals 3rd – 5th round: Full set of pins will be replayed until tie is broken.
Main referee is Carl Kinnunen, who can assign assistant referees. Referee can make changes in rules, if needed.
Official e-mail :
Place | Main Event | B-Division | C-Division | Women | Seniors | U18 |
1 | 1500€ | Bowling Ball | Bowling Ball | Bowling Ball | Bowling Ball | Bowling Ball |
2 | 1000€ | Bowling Ball | Bowling Ball | Bowling Ball | Bowling Ball | Bowling Ball |
3 | 600€ | Bowling Bag | Bowling Bag | Bowling Bag | Bowling Bag | Bowling Bag |
4 | 600€ | |||||
5-8 | 300€ | |||||
9-16 | 100€ | |||||
17-24 | 50€ |