AMF Qubica World Cup

Official website: AMF Qubica World Cup

The QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup, previously known as the International Masters and AMF Bowling World Cup, is an annual Ten-pin bowling championship sponsored by QubicaAMF Worldwide, and the largest in bowling in terms of number of participating nations. Each nation chooses one male and/or one female bowler to represent them in the tournament, and in the majority of cases, this is done by running a qualifying tournament, the winners of which (male and/or female) are chosen.

Informācija par čempionātu: Qubica World Cup

300 club:

World Cup Winners: 

Titles by country:

Scoring Records:

/ data from: /


Videos from Championships: /130 video/


  1. The official announcement of the 2020 venue for the 56th QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup;
  2. Highlights from Finals Day #55BWC;
  3. 55th QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup – MEN and WOMEN’S SEMI FINALS & FINALS;
  4. 55th QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup – championship ad;
  5. 5 things you didn’t know about Diana Zavjalova – 54th QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup;
  6. 2018 QubicaAMF World Cup – Semifinals/Final – Women;
  7. 2018 QubicaAMF World Cup – Semifinals/Final – Men;
  8. ARRIVALS DAY of the 54th QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup;
  9. Bowling World Cup Winners – 2017;
  10. 2017 QubicaAMF World Cup – Men’s semifinals and final;
  11. 2017 QubicaAMF World Cup – Women’s semifinals and final;
  12. 53rd QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup promo;
  13. 2016 QubicaAMF World Cup – Men’s Semifinals and Final;
  14. 52nd Bowling World cup Opening Ceremony;
  15. 2015 QubicaAMF World Cup – Semifinals and Finals;
  16. ARE YOU READY – 51st Qubica AMF World Cup;
  17. 2014 QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup – Video featuring champion Chris Barnes;
  18. 2014 QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup – Video of the various styles from male bowlers;
  19. 2014 QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup – Video of the various styles from female bowlers;
  20. 2014 QubicaAMF World Cup – Men’s Semifinal and Final;
  21. 2014 QubicaAMF World Cup – Women’s Semifinal and Final;
  22. A look at all the 300s from the 49th QubicaAMF World Cup;
  23. 2013 QubicaAMF World Cup – Women’s Semifinal and Final;
  24. 2013 QubicaAMF World Cup – Men’s Semifinal and Final;
  25. 2012 QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup – Men’s Championship;
  26. QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup 2012 — Women’s Final — Part 4 of 4;
  27. QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup 2012 — Women’s Final — Part 3 of 4;
  28. QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup 2012 — Women’s Final — Part 2 of 4;
  29. QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup 2012 — Women’s Final — Part 1 of 4;
  30. 2012 QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup, Wroclaw;
  31. 2011 Bowling World Cup No. 3 – Men’s HD Slow Motion Studies;
  32. AMF World Cup 2011 – All players styles from 70 countries;
  33. 2011QubicaAMFWorldCup-Outtakes;
  34. 2011QubicaAMFWorldCup – GAMEII;
  35. 2011QubicaAMFWorldCup – GAMEI;
  36. Jason Belmonte vs Tommy Jones Men s Finals 2011 Bowling World Cup South Africa;
  37. 2011 QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup, Johannesburg (South Africa);
  38. Bowlingdigital’s 2010 BWC – Women’s and Men’s Qualifying;
  39. Bowlingdigital’s 2010 BWC – High Def Slow Motion Studies (Men’s Qualifying and Round of 24);
  40. Bowlingdigital’s 2010 BWC – Women’s Championship: Third and deciding game;
  41. 46th QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup – Woman’s Final – Part 5 of 5;
  42. 46th QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup – Woman’s Final – Part 4 of 5;
  43. 46th QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup – Woman’s Final – Part 3 of 5;
  44. 46th QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup – Woman’s Final – Part 2 of 5;
  45. 46th QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup – Woman’s Final – Part 1 of 5;
  46. Bowlingdigital’s 2010 BWC – Men’s Championship: Third and deciding game;
  47. 46th QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup – Men’s Final – Part 5 of 5;
  48. 46th QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup – Men’s Final – Part 4 of 5;
  49. 46th QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup – Men’s Final – Part 3 of 5;
  50. 46th QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup – Men’s Final – Part 2 of 5;
  51. 46th QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup – Men’s Final – Part 1 of 5;
  52. AMF World Cup 2009 Ladies Finals: Game 3;
  53. AMF World Cup 2009 Ladies Finals: Game 2;
  54. AMF World Cup 2009. Ladies Final : Game 1;
  55. AMF World Cup 2009. Mens Final;
  56. AMF World Cup 2009 – Arturs Levikins;
  57. AMF World Cup 2009 – Diana Zavjalova;
  58. Bowlingdigital’s 2008 BWC – Slow Motion (Part 3/3);
  59. Bowlingdigital’s 2008 BWC – Slow Motion (Part 2/3);
  60. Bowlingdigital’s 2008 BWC – Slow Motion (Part 1/3);
  61. Bowlingdigital’s 2008 BWC – Women’s Championship Game #2: Jasmine Yeong-Nathan vs. Ann-Maree-Putney;
  62. Bowlingdigital’s 2008 BWC – Women’s Championship Game #1: Jasmine Yeong-Nathan vs. Ann-Maree-Putney;
  63. AMF World Cup 2008. 2nd game tie breaker;
  64. AMF World Cup 2008. 2nd game part 2;
  65. AMF World Cup 2008. 2nd game, part 1;
  66. AMF 2008 World Cup. 1st game 2nd part;
  67. AMF 2008 World Cup. part 1 of the first game;
  68. 2007 AMF World Cup. Ladies 2nd game;
  69. 2007 AMF World Cup. Ladies 1st game;
  70. 2007 AMF World Cup. Mens last deciding game;
  71. 2007 AMF World Cup. Mens 2nd game;
  72. 2007 AMF World Cup. Mens 1st game;
  73. 2007 AMF World Cup short intro clip;
  74. Bowlingdigital’s 2007 BWC – Men’s Award Presentation;
  75. Bowlingdigital’s 2007 BWC – Women’s Award Presentation;
  76. 2006 Qubica AMF World Cup-Diandra Asbaty v/s Lisa John;
  77. 2004 AMF World Cup Ladies Telecast;
  78. 2004 AMF World Cup Mens Telecast;
  79. 1998 Bowling The 34th AMF World Cup Men (JAPAN);
  80. 1998 Bowling The 34th AMF World Cup Women (JAPAN);
  81. 1996 AMF BWC Ladies Match 3 Final – Cara Honeychurch (Aus) v Sharlin Zulkifli (Malaysia);
  82. 1995 AMF World Cup ladies final. Cameron V Burden;
  83. 1995 AMF World Cup mens final. Takahama v Healey;
  84. Lane Chatter – 1986 World Cup winner and Sweden Coach Peter Ljung;
  85. 1982 Bowling World Cup ladies stepladder final;
  86. 1996 AMF BWC Mens Match 4 Final – Drew Hylen (USA) v Paeng Nepomuceno (Philippines);
  87. 1992 Bowling World Cup -Lemans, France (Paeng’s third of four World Cup Victories);
  88. 1980 BOWLING WORLD CUP (Paeng’s Second World CUP WIN);
  89. Paeng Nepomuceno 1976 Bowling World Cup Champion;
  90. 1st Bowling World Cup, Dublin 1965 2/2 | HBB-Scheveningen;
  91. 1st Bowling World Cup, Dublin 1965 1/2 | HBB-Scheveningen;
  92. 2020 Bowling World cup – Kuwait;
  93. 2019 Bowling World cup – Palembang, Indonesia;
  94. 2018 Bowling World cup – Las Vegas, USA;
  95. 2017 Bowling World cup – Hermosillo, Mexico;
  96. 2016 Bowling World cup – Shanghai, China;
  97. 2015 Bowling World cup – Las Vegas, USA;
  98. 2014 Bowling World cup – Wroclaw, Poland;
  99. 2013 Bowling World cup – Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation;
  100. 2012 Bowling World cup – Wroclaw, Poland;
  101. 2011 Bowling World cup – Johannesburg, South Africa;
  102. 2010 Bowling World cup – Toulon, France;
  103. 2009 Bowling World cup – Melaka, Malaysia;
  104. 2008 Bowling World cup – Hermosillo, Mexico;
  105. 2007 Bowling World cup – St Petersburg in Russia;
  106. 2005 Bowling World cup – Ljubljana, Slovenia;
  107. 2004 Bowling World cup – Singapore;
  108. 2003 Bowling World cup – Tegucigalpa, Honduras;
  109. 2002 Bowling World cup – Riga, Latvia;
  110. 2001 Bowling World cup – Pattaya, Thailand;
  111. 2000 Bowling World cup – Lisbon, Portugal;
  112. 1999 Bowling World cup – Las Vegas, USA;
  113. 1998 Bowling World cup – Kobe, Japan;
  114. 1997 Bowling World cup – Cairo, Egypt;
  115. 1996 Bowling World cup – Belfast, Northen Ireland;
  116. 1995 Bowling World cup – Sao Paulo, Brazil;
  117. 1994 Bowling World cup – Hermosillo, Mexico;
  118. 1993 Bowling World cup – Johannesburg, South Africa;
  119. 1992 AMF Bowling World cup – Le Mans, France;
  120. 1990 AMF Bowling World cup;
  121. 1980 AMF Bowling World cup – Jakarta, Indonesia;
  122. 1973 AMF Bowling World cup – Singapore;
  123. 1972 AMF Bowling World Cup – Hamburg, Germany;
  124. 1971 AMF Bowling World cup – Hong Kong;
  125. 1970 AMF Bowling World cup – Copenhagen, Denmark;
  126. 1969 AMF Bowling World Cup Tokyo, Japan;
  127. 1968 AMF International Masters (4th Bowling World Cup);
  128. 1967 AMF International Masters (3rd Bowling World Cup);
  129. 1966 AMF International Masters (2nd Bowling World Cup) London, England;
  130. 1965 AMF International Masters (1st Bowling World Cup).

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